Our Leadership Team

At Stonehill Seventh-day Adventist Church, we believe in the biblical model of servant leadership. Our leaders are called to be humble stewards, serving God and His people with integrity, compassion, and a spirit of selflessness.

Our church leadership team comprises dedicated individuals who have prayerfully answered the call to guide our congregation in fulfilling the Great Commission. With a heart for ministry and a commitment to upholding Adventist beliefs and values, they work tirelessly to nurture our church family’s spiritual growth and foster an environment of love, unity, and outreach.

Through their example of servant leadership, our leaders inspire us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, our ultimate leader, and to embrace a lifestyle of service to God and our fellow human beings. We invite you to join us on this journey of faith, where we collectively strive to make a positive impact in our community and share the love of Christ with all.

Pastoral Team


John Mutchler

Senior Pastor

Dipo Dada

Associate Pastor
Our Elders



Ministry Leaders

Mordecai Dixon

Head Deacon

Lillian Hutton

Head Deaconess

Anton Kotzev

Facilities Coordinator

Melissa D’PerezVasquez

Administrative Assistant

Ellen Jensen
